As a result, at whatever point a student leaves the course, he or she ought to have acquired a body of knowledge which has a definite beginning and progresses intelligibly towards a definite end. Where possible, it seeks to present mathematics in the order in which humankind discovered it, giving passing references to the discoverers of particular branches as it does so, and showing how one discovery led to the next. It differs from conventional texts primarily in terms of the sequence in which its material is presented, and in the connecting threads between topics. It is no wonder that the game has become a beloved classic amongst soccer fans.This book is intended for anyone who wants to learn, or refresh their understanding of, some of the basic elements of mathematics and how they relate to each other. The game's robust roster of teams and game modes also made it one of the most replayable games of its time. It successfully captured the feeling of a real soccer match through its visuals, sound design, and gameplay. Overall, World Soccer: Winning Eleven 9 is remembered as one of the greatest soccer games of all time. This made the game feel truly authentic and gave players the opportunity to experience a variety of different teams from all over the world. The game also featured a large selection of international teams with accurate team kits and stats. The game's sound design was also noteworthy, with realistic crowd sounds and sound effects that made the game feel like a real-life soccer match. The game also featured a wide variety of game modes, including the beloved Master League mode in which players could create their own teams and challenge other teams online. Players had to use their wits to outsmart the AI and score goals. The improved AI also made the game more challenging than its predecessors. The game's visuals were revolutionary for the time, with a realistic 3D environment and detailed character models that made the game a visual treat. Developed by Konami, the game was the ninth installment of the Winning Eleven series, and featured vastly improved graphics, an expanded roster of international teams, and an in-depth career mode. World Soccer: Winning Eleven 9, released in 2005, is considered one of the most iconic and beloved video games of all time.