Farwell is serving in a free clinic in a poor neighborhood. "Haunted Dog": The mean, abusive and reckless Dr.

Charles and John believe Kathy is an android and decide to disassemble her in the best episode. "The Professor's Wife": Professor Dayton invites his two best former students to introduce his fiancée Kathy in a dinner party. When she's hired by the weird Victor, she kills him while having sex, but later, she finds the truth about the odd teenager. "Call Girl": Rachel's a call-girl and serial killer. When Jerry decides to bring the prostitute Eva with him, he seals his fate, when he destroys the radio and has a tragic surprise. The radio talks to him and gives instructions to steal US$ 300,000.00 from a criminal, kill a couple of smalltime crook neighbors and move to another city.

"The Radio": The security guard Jerry buys a radio developed by Professor Dayton from a street vendor. When her father uses a universal remote control developed by Professor Dayton, she moves to other dimensions with other families and when she returns, she's transformed into a rabbit, and is forgotten by her family. "Alice": The suburban Alice is an annoying teenager that does not like the neighborhood where she lives.